-The Watchman-
(Le Veilleur)

The eyes wide open, with a quasi hypnotic gaze, he is holding an automatic weapon. The white on the face (reflection of the moon?) look like war paint. 'The Watchman' is an intense drawing. Like most first generation Zotas, the picture is dark and the topics harrowing, relating political violences contemporary to their creation.
Large Zota
-They were more than a thousand-
Zota means drawing with fire. In this technique which is different from pyro-engraving, the wood support is burned with a blow torch in such a way that reveals the wood pattern. That wood pattern itself is a source of inspiration for the artist and influences the final work with often dramatic effects. Then wax based colors or dyes are used to enhance the piece. They will melt under the torch heat and soak the wood beneath, giving bold and hard dyed colors.